February 16, 2023

FSM National Curriculum Standards and Benchmarks

FSM National Curriculum Standards and Benchmarks  English Language Arts The group recommends having National Standards for both English Language and the Vernacular Language. If there are only National English Language Standards, it gives the impression to teachers and the community that Vernacular Language Arts is not a priority of the FSM National Government. The group also recommends

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English Language Arts Curriculum

National Standards and Benchmarks – English Language Arts English Language Arts The group recommends having National Standards for both English Language and the Vernacular Language. If there are only National English Language Standards, it gives the impression to teachers and the community that Vernacular Language Arts is not a priority of the FSM National Government. The group also

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Language Arts: Vernacular Curriculum

National Standards and Benchmarks – Language Arts: Vernacular Language Arts: Vernacular Standards Standard 1:  Listening & SpeakingStudents will be competent speakers, listeners, and Students will be competent speakers, listeners and viewers in the vernacular, able to construct literal and interpretive meaning from what they hear and view and to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes and to

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Mathematics Curriculum

MATHEMATICS  Standard 1:  Number, Operations and ComputationStudents understand the number system, the meaning of operations and how they relate to each other and are able to use computational tools and strategies effectively. Standard 2:  Geometry, Measurement and TransformationStudents understand geometry, measurement and spatial relationships including units and systems of measurement and develop and use techniques, tools, and formulas

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Science Curriculum

SCIENCE  Standard 1:  Science as InquiryStudents will understand the nature and processes of scientific inquiry and use the modes of scientific inquiry and habits of mind to learn about the world around them. Standard 2:  Physical Science and TechnologyStudents will understand the structure, properties and changes of matter as well as sources, uses, conservation and changes of energy.

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Teacher Certification Regulations

Part 1. Purpose The purpose of these regulations is to establish the professional standard for teacher certification in the Federated States of Micronesia. Consistent with applicable law, it shall serve as the basis for decision on issues pertaining to licensure and employment. It shall apply to all teachers licensed by or individuals seeking licensure from

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National Policy on Vocational Development & Skills Training

Name The name of this policy shall be National Policy on Vocational Development and Skill Trainings, hereinafter refers as the “PVDST” Purpose This Policy is hereby established for the Education Sector in the nation to provide and ensure accesses to vocational education programs and other skill development and trainings for high school level students and

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